• Facebook Search

    It is hard to keep up with the evolving Facebook platform and I don’t always know when an update has occurred that would be useful to me. Recently I discovered that I can search any of my Facebook Pages to find previous posts.  This comes…

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  • An Advent Video Gift for You

    Sunday, December 3, is the first Sunday of Advent.  This is the beginning of a season of hope and joyful preparation for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Here is a video that I created for my Sunday Facebook clients using text from Sunday’s First Reading. …

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  • Social Media Usage Update

    It has been awhile since we looked at social media usage in the U.S. to see if it is worthwhile to invest our ministry time and energy there.   I returned to the Pew Internet and American Life Project for the stats below.

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  • Check In on Facebook

    Do you know people who “Check-in” on Facebook? Their post is a map with a pinpoint on their location and they make a comment such as “Meeting lots of old friends at this conference.” “Really enjoying the exhibits at the State Fair.” “My first time…

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