Where Are We After a Year of Ministry through a Pandemic?

While we have a ways to go before we as a nation can put Covid-19 in our rear view mirrors, we are coming to a place where hopefully we can look to a better future. We have been in crisis mode for over a year. Individuals, families, businesses, non-profits, schools and churches—all of us in one way or another have had to adjust to the pandemic as it has raged through our communities. The isolation, suffering, pain, deaths and other losses will leave their marks on our lives for years to come.
Pope Francis in his recent book, “Let Us Dream, The Path to a Better Future,” invites us to use this time to assess where we are and where we want to be moving forward. He writes:
In moments of crisis you get both good and bad: people reveal themselves as they are. Some spend themselves in the service of those in need and some get rich off other people’s need. Some move out to meet others—in new and creative ways, without leaving their houses—while some retreat behind defensive armor. The state of our hearts is exposed.
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…From this crisis we can come out better or worse. We can slide backward, or we can create something new. For now, what we need is the chance to change, to make space for the new thing we need.
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The Holy Father Ends His Prologue on a Hopeful Note:
I see an overflow of mercy spilling out in our midst. Hearts have been tested. The crisis has called forth in some a new courage and compassion. Some have been sifted and have responded with the desire to re-imagine our world; others have come to the aid of those in need in concrete ways that can transform our neighbor’s suffering.
That fills me with hope that we might come out of the crisis better. But we have to see clearly, choose well and act right.
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I will comment on each of these chapters in my next few blogs.
What is Our Experience?
Through my ministry, I have a limited view of how dioceses and parishes have responded to the pandemic. Even in that small sample, I see a continuum of service, outreach and creativity—from the least needed to survive to amazing service and outreach efforts and everything in between.
What has this crisis revealed to you about life and ministry in your local community? About your own response?
Pope Francis writes about creating “space for the new thing we need.” What do you think that new thing is?
Your comments are always welcome.
Comments (3)
Angela Ann Zukowski
April 13, 2021 at 7:14 am
Dear Susan, I always enjoy reading your Social Media entries. Congratulations.
I have a question for you. I am working on creating a VLCFF e-seminar for our Catechist Track on Digital Literacy and Faith Formation. I would love to integrate a few of your articles into the readings. Is this possible? Do you have catalog of your recent entries I could review? Thanks a million. Keep up the great work. Wonderful contribution to the field. Angela Ann
Sr. Susan Wolf, SND
April 13, 2021 at 7:51 am
Dear Angela,
It is good to hear from you.
I am glad that you find my articles helpful. You can use any of them–simply provide credit and a link to this website.
I do not have a catalogue of posts. There is a search box at the bottom of the right hand column which you can use to find articles on specific topics if that helps.
God bless you in your ministry.
Mary Jane
April 13, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Thank you for focusing on this topic. I look forward to reading
future entries.
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