Advent on YouTube

Advent is a few short days away and it is a beautiful season to celebrate with online posts.

YouTube is a great resource for seasonal videos. Using videos from time to time, your own creations or those on YouTube can enrich your websites and social media sites. They can break into the hectic world many of our people are experiencing and offer them a few minutes of prayerful presence and insight.

Here are a few YouTube videos that I found related to Advent. You can use these, create or find your own this season. There is great variety of choices on YouTube. You are sure to find something that fits the culture of your community. When you do, please share the link in the comments below, so that we can all benefit from your search. Happy Advent!

Upbeat and contemporary:

Historical (Includes the Roman Catholic and Eastern Catholic Churches)


An instrumental

Comments (2)

  • Paul

    November 27, 2018 at 4:18 pm

    Thanks for the video suggestions. Sharing videos like these is a great way to help people focus on the true meaning of the Advent/Christmas season.

  • Marie Manning

    November 29, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    Great idea! Thanks!!

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