What CWS Readers Want

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the 2018-2019 Catholic Web Solutions Survey last week. I can report that half (50%) of those responding are engaged in online ministry at the parish level; 27% are working with religious communities and 9% come from Catholic organizations, 9% have an individual ministry and nearly 5% come from dioceses.

Approximately 43% manage ministry Facebook Pages, 33% manage websites, 4.8% each for Twitter and Instagram. No respondent manages a ministry YouTube channel.

The top reason nearly 70% of respondents read Catholic Web Solutions is to improve their online ministry. The second most important reason is to share content with those responsible for online ministry.

Approximately 87% want me to continue to provide free picture quotes and videos that they can download.

Here are the suggestions that were made regarding topics to be covered in the coming year:

  • Any topics dealing with Social Justice. Thank you.
  • Liturgy Evangelization Catechesis – Digital possibilities
  • Participation of younger families.
  • How to interest the pastor in Social Networking
  • The best ways to market Religious communities
  • Challenges and opportunities for Parishes with canonical pastors and administers not resident priests.
  • I would like more information on getting started with Instagram. Also, should I bother with a parish email newsletter (MailChimp, Flocknote, or Constant Contact)? If so, how do you start one and what do you put in it?
  • Email marketing
  • Ideas for creating content for parish/school secrets of Facebook trends for Facebook and websites
  • How we might leverage digital media to improve communication in our parishes.
  • Pain/struggle related to sex abuse, clericalism
  • Attracting discerners for vocations.
  • Anything that has to do with adolescents
  • Continue to share how we can make and use videos for our own personal ministry

If there is a topic listed above or another one not listed that you would like to share your online experience/challenges/concerns with in 500 words or less, please let me know at swolf@catholicwebsolutions.com and I will consider you for guest blogger. Just keep in mind that in this forum—all topics are considered in light of online ministry.

If you did not complete the survey last week, but would like to do so now, please click this link and your input will be added: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LFJRQGL

Thank you. Have a good week!



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Survey and a Free Bonus Video

September 11, 2018

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Convincing a Ministry Leader to Use Social Media~Part 1

September 25, 2018