We Have Hope

The past six months have been very challenging for everyone including those in ministry.  I have been edified by the generous, creative and self-less ways Church leaders and volunteers have found to continue to be of service to their communities and those in need.

How can we who minister through social media be a positive part of that service? One answer is to post content that lives in the hope.

The hope I am writing about is the theological virtue of hope. This virtue of hope is not wishful thinking. It is not denying the difficult times we face. It is not pretending that all is well when it isn’t. It is not ignoring the suffering of others and “hoping they get through it.”

The virtue of hope is about confidence in our loving God who is calling us to holiness and one day to the glories of eternal life. Hope is taking positive actions to express our love for God and our neighbor in whatever concrete ways are available to us. Some days we may struggle or fail, but those are the days when we call out to the Lord, “Jesus, save us!” Those words are words of hope as are “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

The good that an individual can do will vary for each person. It is not how grand our actions are, it is how selfless and genuine they are that matters.

We can all find some good to do every day as we live out our hope whether it be though prayer, an act of kindness or patience, reaching out through email, phone or online conversations to those who may be alone or missing friends and family. It can be donating or delivering food or countless other acts of mercy. If we live in hope, we will find ways to act in hope.

Social Media and Hope

As we select content to post on social media we can prioritize content that calls people to hope. We can remind them of God’s love and care for them especially in times of pain and uncertainty. We can lift their minds and hearts to God and help them act in hope.

Last month, I selected this quote to picture and describe “”We know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” (Romans 8:28)

I thought about all the people who are struggling due to circumstances beyond their control and I wrote this description to go along with the quote:

There are times which test our belief in these words. They are the times when we renew our faith in things “unseen” and lean into the virtue of hope that gives us confidence in our good and loving God. Growing in faith, acting in hope, and living in love will bring joy to the heart.

How do you share hope on social media?

If you are interested in seeing and perhaps sharing some of my other Facebook posts, you can visit my Catholic Web Solutions Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/catholicwebsolutions.

Comments (2)

  • Michele Gatts

    August 11, 2020 at 10:54 am

    There’s much wisdom in what you say, Sister. Since COVID hit, and especially this summer, requests that the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown pray for folks have increased exponentially. Most of these come through our Facebook page inbox. We’ve tried to post more memes and messages across our social media platforms and websites that inspire hope — which had been our chosen virtue to promote across all of our ministries for the year. But this is a good reminder to refocus efforts. Thank you!

  • Pat

    August 12, 2020 at 1:17 pm

    Your message on hope is encouraging & uplifting, and is so needed today!
    Thank you, Susan for reminding us to trust in the one who will make all things well.?

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