Visual Storytelling is Key to Successful Social Media Impact

Woman taking city picture with her smartphone.More and more ministries, parishes, and religious communities are using social media to inform, educate, and inspire their followers. Many are looking to gain new members through this social media outreach.

We know that storytelling is one of the best ways to communicate in any media. On social media, storytelling with visuals is the key to greater engagement. That is what social media is all about: connecting with followers who want to know who we are and want to interact with us. Candid shots of members and activities accompanied with brief descriptions; picture quotes; and your own videos get the most likes, shares and comments (These are called “social actions.” The more social actions, the better.)

My own experience on social media confirms the importance of visuals. The infographic below supports that with statistics. Two highlights from the infographic which I think worth noting are:

  1. Videos are shared on Facebook 12x more than links and text posts combined (Hubspot)
  2. Photos are liked 2x more than text updates. (Hubspot)
Courtesy of: B2B Infographics

What is your experience of using visuals on social media?
How committed are you to using more visuals in the future?
What challenges are you facing in trying to do this?

Comments (2)

  • Therese boucher

    February 3, 2015 at 7:27 am

    I thank God that I was raised by two photography and movie making buffs, who loved Jesus! They taught me that every day life has a story behind it. When we seek out that story and share it in pictures it has an enduring meaning.
    Years later I learned that over 65% of the population is visual, instead of verbal. And then there are the kin esthetic, as well. So when we use visual, we are talking their language.
    My husband and I use video and photos with links across platforms. I have relied on YouTube for the one to three minute videos, especially with the titles of Jesus during advent. And we rely on Facebook for the 30 second videos, since the quality is not quite as good.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    February 3, 2015 at 9:15 am

    Thank you for your comment. I have seen some of your work and it is engaging and attractive. I use YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo for videos depending on the way I am going to use them.

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3 Ways to Maximize the Impact of Videos on Facebook

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Spirituality in the Selfie Age

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