Video Tour of a Mission-Based Parish Website-Making a Website That Works for You Part VII

binoculars-1209011_1920This series has focused on the importance of strategic planning in creating a website that will represent effectively the gifts and positive qualities of the parish community and serve as a welcoming and ministry-focused presence on the Internet. It takes time and effort, but your parish community and all those it serves deserve and appreciate a quality website.

St. John Neumann is a parish in Strongsville, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. It has more than 4,000 households. They wanted a new website that shared their life and ministry in a positive and visitor-friendly way. I worked with them to plan the website they desired. Here is a video tour with my commentary on their new website. It takes nine minutes to view. If you click on the full screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video, you can get the best view.

The SJN website was a customized theme website built by Connecting Members (Catholic Website Design). The website tells their story and shares their ministries. Every parish website that is thoughtfully planned will reflect the unique personality and gifts of that parish. While parish websites can have similar components, the words, the images and the way they are presented will reflect that parish.

More Examples

In addition to the St. John Neumann website, you may also like to view the websites of All Saints Parish in St. Peter’s Missouri  and Immaculate Conception of Dardenne (I had “online conversations” with the planning teams of both of these parishes) and St. John Bosco in Parma Heights, Ohio (a site I manage).

eCatholic (Affiliate Link) customers may want to check out the free theme called Bethany.  It is a theme that I helped to create that has many of the welcoming components built in.

Comments are welcome.

Next week, I will write about managing a website after it is launched.



Comments (1)

  • Pat Sylvester

    May 3, 2016 at 8:40 am

    Susan, I was so happy and proud as I watched this video you created of our parish website. Thank you for your experience, wisdom and expertise in helping us plan and accomplish our goal of providing our parishioners and others with a welcoming and engaging site. Many blessings on you and your vital ministry in the Church today.

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Partnering with Your Website Designer—Making a Parish Website that Works for You Part VI

April 26, 2016

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Your New Website Is Live—Now What?: Making a Website That Works for You Part VIII

May 10, 2016