Vatican Tells Story of #2POPESAINTS

As of April 27, we have two new canonized saints in the Catholic Church and it seems that the Vatican pulled out all of the stops to tell the story to the world.  The Vatican Communications Office effectively used the traditional media as well as the new media to reach a worldwide audience. 

While most of us do not have the same audience or resources as the Vatican, we all have audiences that we are called to serve.  A quick look at the efforts of the Vatican around the canonization of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II can be instructive.  Please watch the video I prepared and see what you think. (There is a little audio echo on the What We Can Learn slide–it is not your computer. It is just a few seconds. Sorry about that.)

Please share your comments below. You can share about the use of the Internet and social media to report about the canonization or about using them for other events or experiences. Thank you.

Comments (7)

  • Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski

    April 29, 2014 at 7:36 am

    Great work, Sr. Susan! You are moving right along here! Hurrah!

  • Maureen Spillane SND

    April 29, 2014 at 8:22 am

    Susan, nice video and timely information. Thanks Much ! Great job !

  • Pat Sylvester

    April 29, 2014 at 9:46 am

    Thanks Susan. You continue to encourage all of us to use social media more and more in our ministries. As a parish, we relied mainly on the TV coverage of the Canonization. However, in preparation for this event we invited all in the parish to view the DVD, Pope John XXIII Pope of Peace, especially for those younger who are not as familiar with him as Pope John Paul II. The movie really helped in our understanding that the Pope is a real person and one who shares our life experiences.

  • Digna Vela

    April 29, 2014 at 10:52 am

    Excellent presentation, Susan! You always inspire me to keep trying to learn how to use social media in my ministries and to actually do it! Blessings on you and your valuable and timely ministry!


  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    April 29, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    I appreciate the remarks and am glad that this post was helpful. As my posts encourage you, your comments encourage me.

  • Jacquelyn

    April 30, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for video. After having watched your video a few days after the event, I wanted to share a small piece of my experience that morning and affirm your observations and comments about CTV. When I woke up, I turned on the TV – the only coverage was 61 in Spanish. So I checked out live streaming on my iPad: Could not locate on MSNBC which was to carry it. EWTN was okay, had a few commentators. Another was live streaming the event, no commentary – nice rituals and pageantry visible, no words. Then I checked out my pope app and CTV had options for every Language plus the commentators and the videography were excellent — and I could return tonight if I wanted to do so and view it again.

    I also learned about Delicious from your website. Thanks again, Jacquelyn

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    May 1, 2014 at 11:20 am

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Jacquelyn. It reenforces how important it is for us in ministry communications (all ministry needs to pay attention to communications) to make information available to people in formats they have access to.

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