Comments (4)

  • Jane

    June 19, 2012 at 11:44 am

    We just jumped in! We created a page for our 2 parishes and started posting things we thought would be of interest to our parishioners. We keep the address in front of them through the parish bulletin. We are getting several hunderd visitors per week — all ages!!! We are thrilled.

    We have information about our partner diocese in Mexico – especially now with the hurricane that damaged many of their buildings. We created a weekly reflection post that is meant to give the pastor helps with his homily. We make people aware of meetings and such.

    This is our primary web presence at the moment as we do some serious updating of our web site. I like the use of social media because it is easy for us as a staff to make posts without relying on a web master!

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    June 19, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    Good for you and your parish, Jane. Jumping right in works! Glad to hear of your success.

  • Valerie Deveza

    June 19, 2012 at 11:23 pm

    I am humbled by the mention from your blog. My sincerest appreciation for that.

    I have always had this love affair with social media. And I guess this love is what keeps me going. I have a firm belief that is rooted in the fact that one cannot really give what one doesn’t have. That’s why I try to learn something new consistently so that I can always share.

    And the fun part is that, to me, this is not just a job, but a passion that’ll always keep me going.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    June 21, 2012 at 6:52 am

    Thanks for your comments and your blog posts, Valerie. When you are doing what you love, it is fun and energizing. I am happy that you have found joy in doing your job.

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Social Media and Ministry, Part II

June 12, 2012

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Are You Sharing with More People than You Realize on Facebook?

June 26, 2012