Living Holy Week

We entered this Holy Week with songs of Hosanna. Soon we will relive the Last Supper, the crucifixion and death of Jesus and finally we will exult in his Resurrection. It is a profound and humbling spiritual journey during which we learn again how much God love us.

Many of us will have the joy of welcoming new members into our faith community! We pray for them that they will continue to grow in their faith every day and that their communities will continue to support them. Others will “come back to Church” if only for a day or two.  We pray for them as well that this return will mark the beginning of a compete return soon.

There is much to pray for these days on so many levels. The power of this week is that it reminds us that God will prevail, that good conquers evil and that life is stronger than death. This is what gives us hope and the courage to do our part in bringing love and light to the worlds we live in.

My prayer for you this week is that the graces of these days will bring you great peace and joy and the energy to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in all that you do!

Happy Easter!

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