Think About It

Effective communications remain a challenge for most organizations including parishes.  As important as it is to tell our story to our members and our visitors in ways that not only inform, but also inspire, encourage and engage them in our mission, we do not recognize the time and resources necessary to make that happen.

This is especially true when we think about our websites and social media.  Often important communications are driven by the words “put something on the website” or “get it on Facebook”. We don’t realize that to do it well takes skills and time that not everyone has.

We Need Good Editorial Skills for Online Communications

Effective communications require:

  1. A message that addresses what is important to the reader, not just to us
  2. Text that is clear, concise, compelling and complete with the necessary details
  3. Images that draw the reader in and evoke a personal response

For those elements to come together on our websites and Facebook pages, we need people with editorial competence and the training or instinct on how to both serve and positively influence the reader through text and visuals.

Photos and Text Complement Each Other

Photos are one part of the overall communications effort.  They make the case or tell the story immediately.  The text fills in the details.  Good photos/images make the reader want to linger and read the text. Good photos/images open minds and hearts to messages that touch readers in ways we can’t imagine. 

The Ministry of Online Communications

When we think about what we put on our websites and Facebook pages as a ministry we face a challenge.

As one who posts on parish websites and Facebook Pages almost daily, I can tell you that online communicating is work.  Sometimes I can create a post or article and find or create an image quickly and other times it could take me two or three hours depending on the purpose of the post.

While I spoke about the importance of good photography in our online communications in my last two posts, I want to also say that we need good writing, editorial and tech skills as well—but most of all we need a commitment to share the Good News as we know and live it. Through our messaging, we want to express in as many ways as possible that “all are welcome to join us.” When we do that, our online communications become evangelizing. That is when it becomes a ministry.

I love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and experiences with online communications in the comments below.

Comments (2)

  • Robert Dueweke

    November 16, 2022 at 12:10 pm

    Printing issue:
    When I tried to print the blog, the section on editorial skills is cut off.
    Thank you for the great information.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    November 16, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Hello Robert,
    Thank you for alerting me to this issue. I see that I also have a problem making a PDF. I’ll look into this and get it fixed. Until I do, I can send you the complete article, if you email me at Glad that you liked it.
    Sister Susan

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Parish Photography with a Purpose

October 18, 2022

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Parish Home Page Makeover

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