The Internet Is a Gift from God

Pope Francis’ Universal Prayer Intention for June 2018 is “That social networks may work towards that inclusiveness which respects others for their differences.”  Here is the one minute video in which he explains the context of this intention.

“Each month the Pope entrusts prayer intentions to his Worldwide Prayer Network, the Apostleship of Prayer. These intentions express his great concern for humanity and the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention (one month is universal and the next month is for evangelization) is a global call to transform our prayer into “concrete gestures” of service. It is a monthly action plan mobilizing us to work together to build a more human and caring world.” (from

Each month the Vatican produces a short video like the one above to announce the Pope’s prayer intention.  These videos are on YouTube and can be shared on our social networks.  We can subscribe to these videos on the YouTube channel, “The Pope Video,” and be notified when a new one comes out. We can also follow “The Pope Video” on Facebook and Instagram and share it from there.

The Vatican, under the leadership of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI before him, recognizes the importance of being online and the power of the Internet to do what this intention calls for: broadening our horizons, creating opportunities for encounter and solidarity.  For that to happen, we not only need to pray we need to put in the work.

Do you or does your ministry share these videos or other similar videos already?  If not, will you start to share them today?

Your comments are always welcome.


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Today’s Teens Favor YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat

June 5, 2018

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YouTube as Social Media

June 19, 2018