The Holy Spirit Can Change Hearts

On Sunday June 9, 2019, we will celebrate once again the great Feast of Pentecost, the day on which Christ’s promise that the Father would send an Advocate was fulfilled. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples waiting in the upper room. That day the Church was born. The Apostles became courageous witnesses to Christ, his deeds and his teachings. Many others came to believe and joined them on that day and have continued to do so over the centuries.

We need the Holy Spirit to guide, inspire and correct us when necessary. We need the Spirit to open our hearts to the needs of the poor and marginalized, to heal the brokenhearted. The Holy Spirit can change hearts. We need the Holy Spirit to do great things in and through us.  As we prepare for this feast, let us renew our love for the Holy Spirit.

Here are a few excerpts from the homily Pope Francis gave on Pentecost 2018 to remind us of the power of the Holy Spirit.

“The Spirit frees hearts chained by fear… To those content with half measures the Spirit inspires whole-hearted generosity. The Spirit opens hearts that are closed.”

“He impels the comfortable to go out and serve. He drives the self-satisfied to set out in new directions. He makes the lukewarm thrill to new dreams. That is what it means to change hearts.”

“Let us never tire of welcoming the Spirit into our lives, of invoking him before everything we do: “Come, Holy Spirit!”

Yes, we pray for ourselves, our Church and our world: “Come, Holy Spirit!”

Here is an image that you may copy and use on your social media sites on Pentecost if you wish.

Comments (1)

  • Pat

    June 4, 2019 at 7:51 am

    Love this reminder of our need for the Holy Spirit in our lives, the need to call upon the Spirit’s guidance and help. We’ve been give the gifts, and pray the Holy Spirit will animate them!
    Thank you, Susan, for this incentive reminder!

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