Tag: home page welcome

3 Posts

  • Words Matter

    How often do we hear the phrase “words matter”? We know it is true and we often search for the right words to say. Choosing the best words for our online communications is very important. Our words online can both engage and attract interest in our mission or community or they can turn people away. This is true in all of our postings, but especially in the way we say…

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  • Thinking of You

    You may have heard the saying that there are two ways to enter a room. The first is to say, “There you are.” And the second is to say, “Here I am.” Each speaker has a different focus. The same might be said of the welcome messages on parish (and other ministry) websites. Some focus on the visitor and others focus on the parish. Both tell the visitor what to…

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  • The Home Page Welcome: Empty Fluff or Meaningful Greeting

    In researching the topic “welcome on the homepage,” I came upon a blog (from 4 years ago) from Follow Bright –a website consulting firm- that advises businesses to avoid the word welcome on their homepage. They post: “Welcome to our site!” and similar greetings are nothing more than fluffy, empty, purposeless words. Fluffy text offers zero value whatsoever to your site’s visitors, and fails to engage or interest your prospects.…

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