Tag: Holy Week

3 Posts

  • Roads and Country Lanes: Preparing Your Holy Week Posts

    Palm Sunday is this coming weekend and it is time to make sure that we have included meaningful and helpful online posts as part of our communications for all the events that will take place during Holy Week. This means preparing posts for the website and any social media sites your parish has. The first thing we have to take care of is answering the questions people have when they…

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  • A Blessed Holy Week to You

    Dear Readers, As we enter into the experience of Holy Week during this Jubilee of Mercy Year, we pause to remember that all that we do and all that we are have special meaning because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We find hope and confidence, courage and wisdom in our Savior. We find compassion and forgiveness in the merciful love of God.

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  • Online for Holy Week

    Holy Week is the most intense and dramatic week of the Church year. The liturgies are rich and meaningful.  The week begins triumphantly with Palm Sunday and for the next three days before the Triduum begins there are additional opportunities for confessions at every parish. It is very busy. Holy Week services and the story of Christ’s death and resurrection get special coverage in the media during this week. Even…

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