Not long ago, leaders of parishes, dioceses, religious communities, schools and other organizations were pleased and proud to announce that their community or institution had a website. It was a major achievement. If they had a good website, it was because they (or someone else) put a lot of hard work into it. But today, a website is not enough to be truly present to our current members, visitors and…
World Youth Day 2011 and Social Media
World Youth Day 2011 takes places in Madrid, Spain from August 16-21. An anticipated one million plus people will be there to celebrate our universal Catholic faith with exuberance and joy. Pope Benedict XVI will be with them from the 18th to the 21st. According to the official WYD Madrid website, this is the first WYD completely connected to social networks.
A Mission-based Web Presence Needs to be Engaging
When most of us think about web presence, we are only thinking about our website. Web presence is much more than that. It is true that the website is usually the centerpiece of web presence, but a website (even a “great” website) alone is not enough to have an effective web presence. Today, an organization, religious community or ministry also needs to be interacting with their constituents via email and…
10 Suggestions for Using Social Media at Catholic Organizations
Today’s Post is a reprint of an article by Craig Berry: “10 Suggestions for Using Social Social Media at Catholic Organizations”. The links alone are great resources. The suggestions are practical and doable. Craig was kind enough to allow me to reprint it for the readers of Catholic Web Solutions. Here is how Craig begins: “This is not an attempt to convince you that ‘Social Media’ is a worthwhile endeavor.…