Tag: Facebook engagement

4 Posts

  • Changes to Facebook’s News Feed

    This month Mark Zuckerburg, a co-founder of Facebook and currently its chairman and chief executive officer, announced that he intends to “Fix Facebook.”  He wants the time people spend on Facebook to be more worthwhile and engaging.  He wants people spending less time scrolling through content and more time interacting with family and friends around topics of interest.

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  • Measuring Facebook Effectiveness

    Every so often, I hear those who are trying to use Facebook for ministry lament the fact that their followers do not engage with the Facebook posts in a conversational way. They do not answer questions that are posed and rarely comment. The ministers wonder if they are wasting their time because they think that Facebook is for conversations. A Facebook Page for your parish, diocese, religious community or ministry…

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  • How Engaging is Your Facebook Page?

    In the survey conducted by Catholic Web Solutions in November, many respondents wanted to know how to measure their Facebook efforts. Facebook provides real-time statistics about Facebook Pages through a tab on your Page titled “Insights” that can help you answer that question. Insights are available to Administrators of Facebook Pages. If you are using your personal Facebook timeline for your parish or ministry, you will not have access to…

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