Tag: evangelizing parish websites

3 Posts

  • A New Welcoming Parish Website

    St. Columbkille Parish in Parma, Ohio, has a new parish website that we launched in time for all the Christmas visitors. We used an eCatholic template, “Bethany,” which I helped to design a few years ago. The design is geared toward creating an evangelizing website–that is, a website that addresses the questions of visitors upfront while being welcoming and engaging. Here is a look at their home page. The current…

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  • 14 Tips for An Evangelizing Parish Home Page

    There are many, many details that go into the design of a website.  The home page is the digital showcase, display window, or front lobby, not just for the website, but for the parish community and it needs special treatment.  An evangelizing home page addresses the needs and answers the questions of visitors first. Below is a list of 14 items that I think are essential to an evangelizing, user-friendly,…

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  • The Audiences of Parish Websites

    In reviewing random parish websites, I am sensing that the content on many of these sites was written consciously or unconsciously for active parishioners. But active parishioners are not the only ones looking for information from parishes. The Internet provides a platform to go out to the highways and byways and bring others in. Some parishes are making an effort to welcome visitors and attend to their needs. However, using…

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