Tag: evangelizing parish

2 Posts

  • Four Areas of Parish Website Development

    In last week’s blog, I observed that while many parishes are updating their websites to more attractive designs, they are not upgrading their websites to be channels of pastoral ministry or hospitality to visitors. A number of readers commented on the blog and I have grouped my reflection on their comments into four areas. 1. Audiences and message priorities The audiences of an evangelizing website are visitors, new comers, seekers,…

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  • Five Tips for Parishes that Reach Out with Video

    Ten parishes from seven states accepted my offer of a free customized Ash Wednesday video to reach out to all active and inactive parishioners. The goal of the video was to remind viewers that Ash Wednesday was at hand and that they were welcome to join the parish community in receiving ashes. The physical and web addresses of the parish were provided. The video was less than one minute long.

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