Sunday Facebook Posts

The mission of every Christian activity, including a parish Facebook Page, is to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. If the proclamation is genuine, it is done consistently. Any number of methodologies can be used including sharing faith-based posts by various Catholic ministries, the USCCB, the Vatican, the diocese and other parishes. But if you want to make the most impact with your Page, you need to post your own inspirational content as well especially around the Sunday readings. Why?

From the technical point of view

  1. Your direct post usually reaches more people because content you upload to Facebook directly reaches more people than links because of how the Facebook algorithm works.
  2. Followers tend to like, comment and share these posts. These actions are forms of witness and evangelization.
  3. The description is prominent when you post the image as opposed to share the post of someone else.

From the mission point of view

  1. You will be proclaiming Good News on social media yourself.
  2. You will be providing your followers a link to the Sunday readings and a visual to help them to prepare, celebrate and remember the Sunday Liturgy for the week.
  3. You are offering a brief spiritual insight that instantly connects them with scripture, the liturgy, and the Church in the midst of their daily lives.

If you create Sunday Facebook posts, you already know how they enhance your Facebook offerings and how much your followers like them. You know what you have to do each week:

  1. Review the readings for that Sunday.
  2. Find a brief quote that has meaning for your followers.
  3. Find a public domain photo/image/video or purchase/create/take a photo/video that fits the quote.
  4. Put the quote and the image/video together. If it’s a video, find appropriate public domain music or get a license from a music provider for the music you want and add it.
  5. Write a brief uplifting description including the link to the Sunday readings.
  6. Upload it to Facebook and either publish or schedule it.

This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours. I know because I do it every week.

What can you do if you do not have the time and resources to create Sunday Facebook Posts every week? Until now there was not much you could do. But I have an offer to make.

For the past several years, I have been creating Sunday Facebook Posts for my client parishes and I am going to make them available to other parishes beginning in September 2017 as a subscription–a 26 week subscription to begin with.

Subscribe to my Sunday Facebook Posts and every week I will email you (or your Facebook administrator) an image sized for Facebook or a video with a suggested faith-based description including a link to the daily readings from the USCCB.

Here are samples of recent Sunday posts (click on the image to see it full size):

Here are two recent video Sunday posts with their descriptions:

All you (or your Facebook Administrator) have to do is upload the image/video with the description to your parish Facebook Page, publish or schedule it. You can use the description as is or edit it to fit your audience. (I schedule mine for early Saturday morning, but you can post them whenever you want.)

To test out my delivery system and to let you know how it would work, I am offering 2 free Sunday posts for August: one a video and the other an image. If you are interested in subscribing to my Sunday Facebook Posts and would like to try them out in August for free, sign up below. After you sign up, check your email for a message asking you to activate your subscription.

Of course, you want to know how much a subscription will cost.  For 26 weeks of Sunday Facebook Posts, including six video posts, a subscription will cost between $195 and $312.  I have not settled on a final price, but I can tell you that it will be a bargain.  The six videos alone would cost upward of $1000. You won’t have to pay anything near that. If you are interested in subscribing from September 2017 through February 2018, please subscribe to the free trial below.

Comments (3)

  • Fr. Bob Dueweke, osa

    July 15, 2017 at 5:39 pm

    Which app do you recommend for adding captions to photos? I use Apple’s OS system.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    July 17, 2017 at 11:34 am

    Hello Fr. Bob,

    If you are referring to the captions under the images on this page–caption is one of the options WordPress gives you for images. So that is what I used here.

    If you are asking about the text on the images, I created these at I use this most of the time, but sometimes I use depending on the design that I want to use.

  • Fr. Bob Dueweke, osa

    July 17, 2017 at 4:57 pm

    Thank you very much. Know that I follow you in the email subscription. You provide us with valuable information. Years ago I attended the converence in Orlando (2011?) with Caroline Cervegny and learned about your postings.
    Thanks again for all you do.

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Two Free Sunday Facebook Posts

July 18, 2017