Subscribe to YouTube Videos

Using video created by others on your website and social media sites is a good option when the video is created by the news maker or by an individual or a group that has the expertise in the topic or when someone creates videos that inspire, encourage or entertain your audience. In a previous blog, you learned how to embed a video from YouTube and Vimeo.

If there are YouTube channels that regularly produce content you like to use, subscribe to them and request to be notified whenever they upload a new video.  If it is something that you want to use, you will be able to upload it right away.

Note: When people upload videos to YouTube, they have the option of making them private or public.  They also have the option of allowing or not allowing embedding.  If the videos you are looking at are public and have the embedding option–you can share them. When you embed a video or share a link–you are referring your viewers to what has been posted on YouTube for the public to see.

If You Have A YouTube Account

Here is a video on how to subscribe to YouTube channels and request notifications if you have a YouTube account:

If you want written directions, on how to do this, YouTube Support provides them here.

If You Don’t Have a YouTube Account

If you do not have a YouTube account and don’t want to set one up, but still want to follow certain channels, here is a video to show you how to bookmark the channels you want to follow.  You won’t get notified, but you can check your subscription folder regularly to see if there are any new videos.

Another option is to see if the creators have Facebook Pages where they share their videos.  If they do, follow them, and when they post a video you like, you can share it on Facebook.

Some of the Channels That I Follow

Here are some of the channels that I follow to use for my own posts as well as for my parish clients:

Bishop Robert Baron

Catholic News Service

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Pope Video (Videos announcing the monthly Apostleship of Prayer intentions of the Holy Father)

Do you subscribe to any other YouTube channels that provide videos for your ministry pages or for your own information?  Please share them in the comments below.

Thank you.



Comments (2)

  • Pilar Dougall

    February 7, 2017 at 11:47 am

    I regularly use YouTube videos from other Catholic channels. They are a life saver, as we don’t have anyone to do videos at our parish. I frequently use these channels: Vatican, they offer snippets of Pope Francis’s Wednesday audience with English captions; Busted Halo has excellent short videos explaining our Catholic traditions and Ascension Presents offers reflection videos from Fr. Mike Schmidt on various topics. I also use videos from Bishop Barron and CNS often but don’t “subscribe” to any channels. I have recently posted podcasts of Barron’s homilies, but not sure if they are actually listened to.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    February 7, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    Thanks, Pilar. I forgot about Busted Halo. They do produce good videos on a variety of topics.

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How to Create a YouTube Account and Channel

January 31, 2017

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What is a GIF?

February 14, 2017