Social Audio: Fad or the Future?

It was not until earlier this month that I became aware of another type of social networking tool called social audio.  Twitter invited me to try out their new “Spaces” tool. “Now you can Tweet and talk.”  The tagline was “Spaces are live audio conversation on Twitter. Tap in and talk or listen to what’s happening.”

What is social audio?  It is a way to have virtual audio only conversations/gatherings.  You do not have to worry about what you look like or where you are located.  You can converse/listen as long as you wish. Right now Twitter Spaces is available to those with 600 followers or more and they can have up to 10 speakers in their space, you can have as many listeners as join. All Spaces are public. You can DM people an invite or post it via Twitter. You can only start a Space using an IOS or Android device.

Last year, the app Clubhouse launched as a social audio tool.  It is growing and expanding. You can download the app, but you will not get access until someone invites you to join. Now Twitter, Facebook and other social media are creating social audio for their platforms.

Earlier this month, Mary Louise Kelly on NPR hosted a short (4 minute) segment on Social Audio which I found helpful and am including below.  Whether we use social audio or not for our ministries, it is good to at least know about it.

You can either listen to the segment or read the transcript from the link below.

Here is a link to the transcript if you prefer to read the content:

Your Thoughts?

What do you think? Is social audio something you will use for ministry or for personal conversations? Have you already used it? Tell us about your interest/experience in the comments below>

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The Apostolic Life of Grandparents and the Elderly

July 20, 2021