Six Ways to Tweet for Ministry

Twitter seems to be a mystery or considered a “waste of time” by many people in ministry. Why add Twitter to your social media platforms? In previous posts this summer, I presented how Twitter can be a great source of information on just about any topic. All you have to do is follow people who are in your niche—read their tweets and click on links that interest you. I have learned a great deal about the latest trends in social media, Church news, and my sports teams doing just that.

The next question is what should you be tweeting in support of your ministry? I hear that question frequently.

First of all, think about your intended audience. This is or should be the same audience you are addressing in your blog and on Facebook.  Tweet what you think will add value to their lives.

Here are my top six suggestions with examples:

1. Tweet about your expertise or your area of ministry: parish, liturgy, scripture, social justice, family, etc. You only have 140 characters. Be succinct and helpful to your followers.

2. Tweet lines and links from your or others’ blog posts that are informative or inspirational.

3. Tweet information and links about relevant activities or events that are publicized on your website.

4. Tweet thoughts and links from online articles about relevant current events in your field of ministry.

5. Retweet good information from the people you follow on Twitter.

6. Use the social media icon for Twitter found on many blogs and web postings to tweet a link to something that you find interesting. Create your own example, by tweeting this blog to your followers right now.

I hope these examples give you courage and confidence to start tweeting for your ministry. Still not sure? Start following some of your peers on Twitter. Soon enough, you will realize that you can do it, too.

Tip: Experiment with tweeting at different times of day to see if one time of day gets more retweets or replies than another. Be sure to thank each person who responds or retweets your messages. Tweet as often as you have something to share. Pretty soon you will have followers looking for your tweets. Don’t disappoint them.

Graphic from DesignReviver

Comments (8)

  • Carol Dikovitsky

    August 14, 2012 at 9:21 am

    Good morning, Susan!
    I tweeted the link to your blog just now–my first tweet. Since I have only one follower, it won’t help you much, but I tried! Thanks for trying to help us navigate the digital world.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    August 14, 2012 at 10:19 am

    Thank you, Carol. That’s how it starts–with one tweet! Have a good day!

  • John K Riordan (RoaminCatholic1)

    August 14, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    Good advice, Susan. Although I’ve reached my limit of 2,000 follows, I get new followers every day, so the reach of my tweets is increasing slowly. I always include a link with my tweets, unless it’s a long quote. There are free tools for automating Twitter feeds, such as SocialOmmph.

  • Lisa Hendey

    August 14, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    Thanks for including my tweet, but especially for this great article. While so many don’t “get” Twitter, it’s really my “go to” social network of choice these days. I see it as having great potential for the New Evangelization if people use it with consideration and thought. Thanks again!

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    August 14, 2012 at 6:47 pm

    John, Thanks for the reminder about Twitter tools. I use SocialOomph for scheduling tweets, especially my Friday Follows. I like it very much and as you say, it is free. I also use Manage Flitter which helps me to “clean” my follow list. Some people look like a good follow at first and then they never tweet again–no point in following them. You might want to use it on your own list–get that 2000 number down so you can add other more productive ones.

    I am with you, Lisa. Twitter is quick and easy to use and if you build a network around your mission, you will have followers who will get the message out for you.

  • Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF

    August 15, 2012 at 11:56 am

    Twitter is one of my favorite tools! I am able to learn from others and also share what is important in faith technology with others. Technology news is always a challenge to keep up with. So to have someone else doing the sifting and sharing is always a big help. Come and see what is happening at @ccerveny! Thanks Susan for this wonderful article! Of course I will tweet it to my followers!

  • Jo

    August 19, 2012 at 11:05 pm

    Thanks for the ideas! We are new to Twitter and finding our way. We ‘re a small nonprofit serving the rural poor in WV. Do you think we should focus on building followers there or nationally?


  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    August 20, 2012 at 6:25 am

    Dear Jo,

    A quick look at your website indicates that you have supporters beyond W. Virginia, so I think a national following is appropriate. Good luck!

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