Season of Creation 2020

“Each year, particularly since the publication of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ (LS, 24 may 2015), the first day of September is celebrated by the Christian family as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and the beginning of the Season of Creation, which concludes on the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi on the fourth of October. During this period, Christians worldwide renew their faith in the God of creation and join in prayer and work for the care of our common home.” From the Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, September 1, 2020, Pope Francis

This year’s theme is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope.”

About the Season of Creation

“The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home…. Pope Francis made the Roman Catholic Church’s warm welcoming of the season official in 2015.” From the Season of Creation website: where you can find more details and resources.

How Social Media Ministers Can Help

This ecumenical effort to call Christians worldwide to renew our commitment to care for our common home is an effort that we who serve as social media ministers can amplify. Here is what I am doing for my parish Facebook pages.

On September 1st, I posted the Holy Father’s Intention for September (Respect for the Planet’s Resources) and included the Season of Creation in the description.

For my next posts, I am drawing on the Holy Father’s September 1st “Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care Of Creation.”  I am using the main points the Holy Father makes about the theme of Jubilee “a sacred time to remember, return, rest, restore, and rejoice.”

Here is my post on the point of remembrance:


We are in the Season of Creation (September 1-October 4, 2020, a worldwide ecumenical effort). The 2020 theme is “Jubilee for the Earth.”

Pope Francis, in his message for The World Day of Prayer for the Care Of Creation, September 1, 2020, wrote that, “a Jubilee is a sacred time to remember, return, rest, restore, and rejoice.”

About remembrance he wrote: “A Jubilee, then, is a time of remembrance, in which we cherish the memory of our inter-relational existence. We need constantly to remember that “everything is interconnected, and that genuine care for our own lives and our relationships with nature is inseparable from fraternity, justice and faithfulness to others” (Laudato Si, 70).

Lord, help us to remember and respect our inter-connectedness with one another and with all of creation.

Here is the image I created:

Feel free to use this image and/or description on your sites.  You can also follow my Facebook Page for future posts on the other points which you are free to share as well.

If you are creating social media content around the Season of Creation, please tell us about it and provide links. 

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We Have Hope

August 11, 2020

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Instagram Revisited

November 3, 2020