Readers Most Important Topics for 2012

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the Catholic Web Solutions subscriber’s survey last week. There is still time to add your input at

Participants were asked to rate a list of ten topics as Very important, Somewhat important or Not important in light of their goals for 2012.  The highest score a topic could receive is 3.  Here is the chart of responses.

That “Driving more traffic to website” is the most important topic suggests to me that readers think that the saying “Build it and they will come.” does not necessarily apply to websites.  That “Design or re-design website for interaction” is the second most important topic suggests that readers are re-thinking their web presence.

What is most interesting is that the bottom six topics (least important to our readers) address social media, from Facebook to Twitter–the very tools that can make a web presence more dynamic and interactive.

What do you think about the topics listed and their current rankings by readers?  Are they your priorities?  Would you like to suggest other topics?  Just list them below.  Thank you!

Comments (5)

  • Frank Koob

    January 17, 2012 at 8:51 am

    I am surprised that one or two do not stand out overwhelmingly above the rest. The differences are so gradual that attention should be paid to all of them. Getting participation from one’s particular targeted clients seems to be an overriding theme. The rush to Facebook or Twitter without establishing a basic structure (web page) or plan has proven to many to be premature and has not been the communication bonanza they expected. Tweeting14 times a day to an audience who may be smartphone-less or whose only online experience is at work where Twitter and Facebook are not allowed seems like whistling in the wind.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    January 17, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Thanks for the comment, Frank. I agree with you about the perils of “rushing” to Facebook or Twitter. Two of the questions that have to be asked first are who is your audience and how can you draw them to your website? Social media has to be considered, especially if we are looking to attract younger participants. But, there is much more to consider and I hope to explore those questions during the year.

  • Lisa Hendey

    January 17, 2012 at 10:31 am

    Fascinating stats — thanks for sharing them. On the topic of social media, I do feel that it’s incredibly important to employ it strategically to communicate with a portion of our congregations that we may be losing — young adults. What 22 year old male is picking up the parish bulletin to find activities, ministries and information? And yet, they are definitely present on FB and Twitter. I don’t think we need to ONLY focus on social media, but I do think it’s important to have a strong presence there.

  • Maureen Spillane SND

    January 17, 2012 at 10:57 am

    Most interesting Susan. I am happy to see the website design one of the top ones. That might be simply because it is high on our agenda here. Thanks for doing the survey. I do think social media is defintely important in this day.

  • Kathy Pichler

    January 17, 2012 at 11:40 am

    I am surprised to see that the social networking portions were not higher on the list. As an older adult, I could see someone my age thinking that facebook or twitter would not b a good outlet, but one only needs to have contact with those using social networks to know that is their preferred method of receiving and giving out information.

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Subscriber's Survey 2012

January 9, 2012

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Website Traffic, Part I: Forethought is Best

January 24, 2012