Planning Your January 2017 Facebook Posts

calendar-jan-2017While the last two weeks of Advent and Christmas are uppermost in your mind, it is not too early to give some thought to your faith-enriching Facebook posts for January 2017.  Most likely you are using your ministry Facebook Page to post about activities and events occurring in your community. That is using Facebook for publicity which is fine, but you don’t have to limit yourself to that. You can also use it as a ministry which makes your Page more interesting and more enriching for your followers.

Below is a list of relevant faith-based topics for January 2017 which you may find helpful. I recommend an image or picture quote and a meaningful and inspiring description for each event you wish to highlight on your ministry Facebook Page. Posts that connect followers with their faith throughout the week add value to their lives and value to your Page.

Remember to use images/graphics that are original or in the public domain.

Best Practice: Assume that all images found through Internet searches (including Google and Yahoo images) are copyrighted unless information to the contrary is provided clearly. Do not use them if you are not sure.

On the actual dates, you may find suitable posts on the USCCB, Diocesan and/or other reputable Facebook Pages that you can share on your Page if you are unable to create your own. But make an effort to create original posts as often as you can.

For this schedule I have put columns for Church and Civic Events.  You may wish to add a third column for Ministry/Community Events that you want to include in your January postings.

Recommended Faith-Added Facebook Content for January 2017 Created by Sr. Susan Wolf, SND
Date Church Event Civic Event
1.1.17 (Sun) Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God New Year’s Day
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (USA)
St. John Neumann (USA)
1.8.17 (Sun) Epiphany of the Lord
Baptism of the Lord
Martin Luther King Day
Day 1 of USCCB Novena for Life*
Day 2 of USCCB Novena for Life*
Day 3 of USCCB Novena for Life-Day of Prayer for Protection of Unborn Children*
Day 4 of Novena*
St. Francis de Sales, Traditional date for release of Pope’s Message on Social Communications**
Day 5 of Novena*;
Conversion of St. Paul
Day 6 of the Novena*
Day 7 of the Novena*
Day 8 of the Novena*
Final Day of the Novena for Life*

*For information about the Novena for Life including graphics for the daily intentions, click here.

**This is the traditional date for the release of the Pope’s annual message for the World Day for Social Communications which is May 8, 2017.  For more information, click here.

To download a pdf of this schedule, click here.

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