Planning Spring Facebook Posts

April, May and June have many feasts and events that you can celebrate on your Facebook and Twitter sites. Plan ahead and be ready to offer timely inspiration and faith enrichment to your followers. Here is my list of dates to remember:

April 9             Palm Sunday               Announce Mass schedule earlier in week

April 13           Holy Thursday            Announce Mass schedule earlier in week

April 14           Good Friday                Announce Service times earlier in the week

April 15/16     Easter Vigil/Easter    Invite people to Easter services starting the
Monday of Holy Week. Make this a special post/video.

April 22           Earth Day

April 23           Divine Mercy Sunday

April 25           St. Mark the Evangelist

April 29           St. Catherine of Sienna

May 3              Sts. Phillip and James

May 4              National Day of Prayer

May 13            Our Lady of Fatima

May 14            Mother’s Day

May 25            Ascension                    (Transferred to the Sunday in some dioceses)

May 28            World Communication Day    Theme: “Fear not, for I am with you:
Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time.” Read Pope Francis’ Message

June 4              Pentecost

June 11            The Most Holy Trinity

June 18            The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ and Father’s Day

June 23            Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 24            The Nativity of John the Baptist

June 29            Sts. Peter and Paul

Add to these posts the many special events that are occurring in your parish during these months and you will have very interesting and uplifting content for your followers. Try to vary your type of Facebook posts by using a mixture of: your own photos, picture quotes, and videos and some links to other content.

Other content that you can share: The Pope’s Intention for the Apostleship of Prayer each month. Videos can be found here.

What else would you add to the list above?

Edit:  St. Joseph the Worker, May 1, was inadvertently left off this list.

Comments (3)

  • Joanne Gallagher

    March 28, 2017 at 6:54 am

    You might consider adding St. Joseph the Worker [May 1] to this list.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    March 28, 2017 at 7:35 am

    Thank you, Joanne. Don’t know how I missed that. St. Joseph is one of my favorite saints.

  • Pilar Dougall

    March 28, 2017 at 11:55 am

    I would add content about upcoming summer VBS program — registration dates and dates for program.

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