Planning End-of-the Year Social Media Ministry


November and December are full of opportunities to use websites and social media to evangelize and catechize, to uplift and inspire our viewers and followers. If we plan our website and social media content for the events that are coming, we will have done our visitors and followers a service and raised the quality of our online presence.

The first question to ask is: What are the platforms that I have to work with? Most parishes have a website with some sort of photo gallery, a calendar and space for announcements. Many parishes also have a Facebook Page. Facebook has a cover photo and posts which can be used for this content.

Content can be in the form of a photo, a picture quote, a video, or text and/or a combination of visual and text or a link to a third party site. If you are focusing on an event, be sure to put the pertinent details in the description that goes with the visual (date, time and place). Where appropriate, add “All are welcome.”

Events to Feature on Parish Websites and Social Media

Here are most of the religious and civic events taking place in November/December 2016 that are occasions for special attention on our websites and social media:

  • November 1:   Feast of All Saints
  • November 2:   Feast of All Souls
  • November 6:   Daylight Savings Ends
  • November 8:   General Election in the U.S.
  • November 11: Veterans Day (USA)
  • November 20: Feast of Christ the King and Conclusion of the Jubilee Year of Mercy
  • November 24: Thanksgiving Day (USA)
  • November 27: First Sunday of Advent
  • December 8:   Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  • December 12: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • December 17: O Antiphons begin
  • December 25: Christmas
  • January 1:       Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God

You may have other events going on in your parish during these months which deserve special online attention. Add them to the list.

Make Your Plan

  1. Which platforms do you work with: website, Facebook, Twitter or?
  2. Which of these events would you like to feature this year? You do not need to do them all. If you can only pick one for each month—at least do that. It is a start. Next year do two each month.
  3. Where will you feature them? On your website and/or social media?
  4. What is the message you wish to deliver for each one?
  5. Do you have or can you get photos, picture quotes or videos to go along with your posts? Visuals are a must if you want to grab people’s attention.
  6. Are you able to create and post this content yourself or do you need help? If you need help, line it up now.

Posts that address current religious and civic events make your website and social media interesting and relevant. People who visit your website or follow you on social media appreciate them. These inspiring reminders add value to their lives.

Have you developed online content for any of these events in the past? Please share what you learned in that process. Thank you.



Comments (2)

  • Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski

    October 18, 2016 at 6:58 am

    This is a wonderful contribution, Sr. Susan. I am going to share this with my Caribbean friends. Thank you. I hope all is well. Keep up the wonderful e-ministry.

  • Ruth

    October 18, 2016 at 10:28 am

    Thanks for that info Sister. I plan to use just about all of it (website, FB, parish email, possibly parish email list for some of it too)

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