• Learning Instagram: Part 3

    Last week I shared information on how to set up a personal Instagram profile.  If you did not set up your account yet, you may want to go back and read last week’s blog. Here are the basics that I have gathered in my study…

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  • What is Instagram?

    A few readers have asked me to help them get started on Instagram.  Even though I have been posting on my own Instagram accounts and those of my parish clients for a few years, I am still pretty much of a beginner myself.  When I…

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  • Instagram Revisited

    If you are a longtime reader of my blog, you may remember that I have been reluctant to use Instagram for ministry, both for my own and for my ministry clients. Instagram features what the name implies instant images/photos or videos that share a message.…

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  • Season of Creation 2020

    “Each year, particularly since the publication of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ (LS, 24 may 2015), the first day of September is celebrated by the Christian family as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and the beginning of the Season of Creation,…

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  • We Have Hope

    The past six months have been very challenging for everyone including those in ministry.  I have been edified by the generous, creative and self-less ways Church leaders and volunteers have found to continue to be of service to their communities and those in need. How…

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