• Is Pinterest for You?

    You have probably heard about Pinterest, but may not want to save crock pot recipes, home décor tips, or wedding planning ideas. But Pinterest can and is being used for more than those activities. What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a social media platform that allows…

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  • Social Media Facts for 2013

    Let’s face it.  Many people in ministry  do not yet take social media seriously as a communications tool.  For them social media is fun and games that people with not enough to do.  They are not interested in what someone had for breakfast (a remark…

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  • Calls to Action on Ministry Websites

    Quality content, needed services, and curiosity bring people to websites through search engines and recommendations of others. Why do some people who visit our sites, click away almost immediately? It could be because we do not offer the content or services they are looking for…

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  • Do You Use Facebook and That Other Stuff?

    “Sister, do you use Facebook and that other stuff,” a woman in the check-out line at our community’s annual BBQ and Boutique, inquired this past Sunday. “Yes,” I answered, “and Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.” She went on, “We heard about that in Church this morning.”…

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