Online Presence and Online Ministry

Have you noticed the variety of outdoor church signs today: the traditional fixed text, digital signs, signs with changeable letters and light boxes to name the main types?  Each one identifies the church location and gives other limited information designed to capture the attention of passersby.

Many Parish Websites Are Church Signs with Additional Information

Parish websites can be compared to their outdoor signs. Some parish websites have fixed content that hasn’t changed for years; others offer more information about the parish and current activities. Some are like bulletin boards where parish organizations can post their fliers. Others are promotions for every group and committee. “Here is a community for your gifts and talents.”  

Usually, the parish website includes Mass and confession times, links to the bulletin and something about the parish and its staff.

In recent years, parishes have added links to donation software. They have added forms where members can register or volunteer for parish activities. They also take prayer requests.

It takes work to set up and maintain a parish website. Someone has to register the domain name, create the website and provide the content. Someone has to keep it updated if current information is added from time to time.  

Similar to the physical church sign, parish websites come in various forms that meet the expectations and needs of the members, pastor and or staff.  When they meet those expectations, there is no need to change.

A parish website reflects the life, ministry and culture of the parish until it doesn’t.  Think about what you love about your parish. Think about what you would tell a new neighbor who is inquiring about Catholic churches in the area. Would you send them to your parish website to learn more?

Parish Websites Can be More than Signs with Changeable Content

Think about that new neighbor who says, “Can you tell me about your church?”  You can begin by describing the parish.  Telling them all the good things your parish has to offer.  Or you can begin by asking: “What are you looking for in a parish?”

What are you looking for in a parish?

Parish websites can be an online presence delivering what members or staff want.  Parish websites can also be online ministries addressing what the visitors seek.

Online presence via the parish website is very important.  The parish website is also an excellent means for ministry and outreach for parishes with a sense of mission beyond the church doors. The latter takes an evangelizing focus and a commitment to sharing the Good News of God’s love and the good news of this faith community online. 

A Question for You

When does presence become ministry in real life and online. Give us your thoughts.

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The Parish Website: Online Presence

June 26, 2024