My Most Read Blog Posts in 2011

With this post, I am concluding my first full calendar year of blogging at Catholic Web Solutions. As I was thinking about all of the topics I have covered and all of the comments you have posted, I was wondering which posts were the most read. According to my Google Analytics report, the articles below are my top ten posts. If you missed one or other of these posts, you may wish to read them now.

Here is the list of the top ten most read Catholic Web Solutions posts in 2011.

  1. Advantages/Disadvantages to Catholic Groups Using Social Media Websites
  2. Sisters Learn Social Media Tools for Communication
  3. Five Tips to Improve Your Social Media Presence
  4. Deficiency in Technology, One of the Top Failings of the Church
  5. More Adult Catholics on Social Networks than Attend Weekly Mass
  6. Websites with Catholic Content Worth Sharing
  7. Twitter for Ministry?
  8. Seven Steps to Add Internet Ministries to Your Service Offerings
  9. Social Media Policies for Church Groups
  10. World Youth Day and Social Media

Do you see any patterns or trends in this list? Did you have a favorite CWS post in 2011? What was it?

Thanks for reading my posts, commenting and sharing them with others.

I wish you a very blessed Christmas and joyous New Year!

Catholic Web Solutions will be off for the holidays. See you in 2012!

Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

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