More Facebook Changes

Facebooks-New-Design“The only thing that is constant is change…”  is a famous quote from Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher who lived around 500 B.C. This is certainly true about Social Media. Google+, Twitter, and Facebook have made changes from their beginnings and they continue to do so.  I think the newest changes to the Facebook pages can make our Facebook experience more fun and give us more control over what we see in our newsfeeds.

In March, Facebook announced that it was making changes to our timelines and they are rolling those out now.  These changes have not come to my Facebook page yet, but here is what I have learned.

There are three reasons for these current changes:
• To make the images more prominent
• To make the timeline consistent across all platforms: computer and mobile devices
• To clean-up or unclutter the newsfeed.

Here is a Facebook video explaining what we can look forward to:

If you are interested in getting on the waiting list for the new design, click here.  You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the sign-up link. Let us know how you like it.

Comments (1)

  • Marika Donders

    April 23, 2013 at 8:10 am

    If you want to have a little more control over FB features, check out

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