Is Video Part of Your Online Ministry?

Soul Wind/DPCIn case you haven’t noticed: video is big in the online world. Is it part of your ministry web presence? It needs to be. In July, I wrote wrote a post entitled “Use YouTube Videos to Enhance Online Presence” Consider this post a follow-up.

Here is a video that gives us some of the stats that help tell the story. Just replace the word “business” with ministry and “buy your product” with support or join your mission, event, or activity.

Many in ministry think of video in terms of 15 to 30 minute presentations, where promotional video today is more often the 10-60 second, 1-2 minute story or message. Think TV commercials. They are quick, concise visual messengers that capture the imagination. They work.  If they didn’t, corporations would not be spending all that money to create and air them.  They are reaching the same audiences we want to reach. So why not learn from them?

Videos take work. They require a message, visuals and audio combined in a way that engages the viewer. If you go the commercial, professional services route you can pay 2-10k a minute. Few of us can afford to do many or any of those.

Over the summer, I did some animated video work with a new software that I purchased called VideoMakerFX (Affiliate link).  What sold me on this software was that the professional style animation is already in the slides, you just add your visuals and message. They also provide a variety of music tracks to use, or you can use your own, provided you own the copyright.  Slides can be mixed and matched.  The software is meant for businesses, but as you can see from my Animated Video portfolio, it easily adapts for ministry.

If you are making videos for your ministry, tell us what you have learned from the process.  Also, please share with us the software you are using and the link to your YouTube channel.

Image: © Soul Wind/DPC

Comments (7)

  • marika donders

    September 23, 2014 at 9:01 am

    So far we ( have been using YouTube mainly to record talks/workshops, special liturgies, etc. but I am hoping to perhaps use it in conjunction with Google Hangouts to do book discussions or similar projects.

    The one thing I find with a lot of videos (such as the one above) is that people use VERY annoying looped music which makes me turn off (I lasted 46 seconds on the above video.) A great resource for free music

    The other thing is that if you use video to show how to do something (which I like), I find that I still look for step by step written instructions as well. If 60% prefer video to text, that means that 40% don’t … don’t forget the 40% 🙂

  • Sister Therese Ann Rich, OSU

    September 23, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    We use Animoto or Windows movie maker ….I agree…2 minutes max to get your message out….here is our channel….

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    September 23, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    Dear Marika,
    Thanks for your comments and for the link to your diocesan YouTube channel. I am guessing that your annoyance with music background accounts for some of the “silent” videos. I think music is an enhancement and it is almost a “must’ today. But we probably can do a better job finding music that will not displease our audiences. I suspect that the music selected for the video above was suited to their intended audiences. When we don’t like the sound we can always mute it.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    September 23, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    Dear Therese Ann,
    Thank you for sharing your YouTube channel. I really like the idea of having a welcome video to your YouTube channel. You delivered a lot of info in 54 seconds. Good job!

  • Sister Therese Ann Rich, OSU

    September 23, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    Thank you! I partner with our PR/Development person…makes for a good team!

  • Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF

    September 23, 2014 at 8:55 pm

    For those who are interested in learning more about Digital Storytelling, go to the Coursera MOOC website. Every so often they offer a 5-week course on creating a Digital Storytelling. All Free. Check them out at –

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    September 24, 2014 at 6:04 am

    Thank you for the resource. It looks like a course on digital storytelling is going on right now. I am assuming it will be offered again.

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