Is Pinterest for You?

Pinterest FaviconYou have probably heard about Pinterest, but may not want to save crock pot recipes, home décor tips, or wedding planning ideas. But Pinterest can and is being used for more than those activities.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows people to “pin” images and videos from your computer or the web onto “boards” for future reference or for sharing. You set up and name your own boards and upload your pins. These pins link back to their original sources and are then available to you and to people who follow you anytime.

Where do you find things to pin?

  1. You can pin the images and videos you have created from your computer (or mobile device)
  2. You can pin images from the Internet.
  3. You can also re-pin something someone else has pinned.

All of pins from the web, link back to the place where you found them.

You can follow other people’s boards and they can follow yours.

You can share your pins with others by email, or on Facebook or Twitter. You can also embed pins on your blog or website. The pinned images that you share bring with them the link to the originating site, so people will know the source.

Note: Images on the web belong to the creator/owner. Copyright laws apply. Before you pin an image, be sure it is from the original site and that the owner has no restrictions against copying or pinning. Many companies and individuals are happy for the publicity, but groups like professional artists and photographers sell their works and do not want them given away for free.

I am not a big Pinterest user (Facebook and Twitter are my social media tools), but I do have a Pinterest account. I have five boards:  Picture Quotes, Facebook, Social Media, and Flicker CC Photos and My Photos with just 20 pins altogether.

If you are interested in learning more about Pinterest, here is a link to the basics.

Here is an article about Pinterest and copyrights.

Are you on Pinterest? If yes, how do you use it?

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