How Interesting is Your Facebook Cover Photo?

cover-photosWhen a person visits a ministry Facebook Page, the first thing they see is the Cover Photo. With the new Facebook Page layout, the Cover Photo stands by itself. The Profile Photo has been moved to the upper left of the screen and the menu items appear below that. Have you looked at your Cover Photo lately? When was the last time you changed it? Does your Cover Photo have a description? (Click on the Cover Photo to find the description.) If you have a description is it up-to-date?

Importance of the Cover Photo

The Cover Photo sets your page apart. It gives your visitors a glimpse at your community, parish, or ministry.

The Facebook Guidelines say:

All covers are public. This means that anyone who visits your Page will be able to see your cover. Covers can’t be deceptive, misleading, or infringe on anyone else’s copyright. You may not encourage people to upload your cover to their personal timelines.

The 20% Rule

Facebook used to have a 20% rule for Cover Photos which outlawed any Cover Photo that had more than 20% text. Now you can put as much text as you like on your Cover Photo. However, text heavy Cover Photos usually do not have the same impact as a strong image-so be careful there.

Cover Photo Size

You are more likely to get the impact you want with your Cover Photo, if you create it according to its optimal dimensions which are 851×315 pixels. Remember that the photo will appear in different sizes depending on the device it is being viewed on. If your image is smaller than the optimal dimensions, Facebook stretches your image to fit which often takes away from the quality of the image.

  • 851 x 315 pixels optimal dimensions
  • Displays 828 x 315 pixels on Desktops
  • Displays 640 x 360 pixels on Smartphones
  • Must be at least 399 x 150 pixels
  • Image size should be less than 100 KB

from Digital Verge: Facebook Cover Page Guidelines and Best Practices 2016. See link below.

What is the Best Image for Your Ministry Facebook Page Cover Photo?

The best image for your ministry Facebook Page Cover Photo is a quality image that best communicates your identity, your values, your interests, as they are expressed in your current activities and/or your members. These can be seasonal or year round. It makes sense for you to have images that feature major events that are part of your community’s life.  Check out the Cover Photos for St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. John Bosco Catholic Church to see some examples.

How Often Should You Change Your Cover Photo?

Change your Cover Photo as often as feasible. For some that will mean a few times a year and for others every few weeks or months. If you have an important event, theme or message and you have a quality image to go with it—use it for your Cover Photo! Why?

  • It lets your followers know you are alive and active. Facebook shares new Cover Photos with their descriptions on timelines.
  • It can serve as an additional post regarding an upcoming or recent event.
  • It keeps your page up-to-date and interesting.

How often do you change your Cover Photo? Do you have any insights about Cover Photos to share? I’d love to hear them. Please comment below. Thank you.


Digital Verge

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