Happy Easter!

“What wondrous love is this…” that Jesus Christ, the Son of God was willing to suffer and die for our salvation?  As we solemnly celebrate the events of Christ’s final days this Holy Week, we are humbled to know that God’s love is unconditional and God’s mercy is abundant. We rejoice that Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death and has risen from the dead!

Let us lift up in our prayers this week the people who are close to us and those all around the world who are in need God’s care and protection. We pray for peace, healing and comfort for those living in war and poverty, refugees and migrants seeking safety in new lands, for the sick and dying. We pray for an end to divisions among peoples.  We pray for special blessings on those who will enter the Catholic Church this Easter! We pray for the grace to be witnesses that Christ is risen! We pray for the courage to live and act in hope for a better world.

I lift up each one of you in my prayers–that you may know the joy of Easter everyday of your life!

Happy Easter and may God’s blessings be upon you always!

Christ is risen! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

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