Happy Easter!

As we solemnly celebrate the events of Christ’s final days this Holy Week, we are filled with awe and gratitude for his willingness to suffer and die for our salvation. We are humbled to know that God’s love is unconditional and God’s mercy is abundant.

In our prayers we lift up the people close to us and those all around the world who are in need God’s care and protection. We pray for peace, healing and comfort for those living in war and poverty and we pray for the grace to be witnesses that Christ is risen! We pray for the courage to live and act in hope for a better world.

Happy Easter and may God’s blessings be upon you always! “Christ is risen, Christ is risen. Let the whole world sing.”

My next post will be April 25.

Comments (2)

  • Pat

    April 11, 2017 at 8:20 am

    Thank you, Susan for your beautiful Easter wishes and message!
    May you also have a truly blessed and hope filled Easter as you continue
    to spread the Good News of Christ Risen. Happy Easter!!

  • Tony Krisak

    April 14, 2017 at 9:16 pm

    I likewise thank you for your beautiful wishes and send my hope that this Easter season and beyond will be a time of wonder, delight and blessing for you and the many you so faithfully serve in your ministry.

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