Fifth Anniversary for Pope Francis

Today, March 13, marks the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. It was an historic moment for the Church and for Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio who had been planning for his “retirement.” The Jesuit chose Francis as his patron and he has charmed us with his humility and joy. He has invited all of us to better understand who God is and who we must be in relationship to God, one another and all creation.

Pope Francis presents the God of mercy and forgiveness to the Church and to the world. He calls upon all to both accept and share God’s mercy. No one is excluded from God’s love and mercy, no one is excluded from our love and mercy.  He advocates for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, refugees, immigrants, children, and families and reminds us of our duty to care for the earth and its resources. He urges us to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and those imprisoned. He leads by example.

Pope Francis sees God as the Father of all. He wants us to accompany one another as brothers and sisters. He wants us to listen to one another.

Pope Francis and the Internet

I am grateful for the leadership and witness of Pope Francis. I am especially grateful for his positive approach to the internet and social media. He recognizes how they can be useful in proclaiming the Good News to all the world and he uses them himself (with the help of his staff). We can follow him @pontifex on Twitter and franciscus on Instagram.

Here is an excerpt from his Message for the World Day of Social Communications, May 8, 2016: Communication and Mercy – A Fruitful Encounter

Emails, text messages, social networks and chats can also be fully human forms of communication. It is not technology which determines whether or not communication is authentic, but rather the human heart and our capacity to use wisely the means at our disposal.

The internet can help us to be better citizens. Access to digital networks entails a responsibility for our neighbor whom we do not see but who is nonetheless real and has a dignity which must be respected. The internet can be used wisely to build a society which is healthy and open to sharing.

In church years, five years is not long, but in real time, five years under Pope Francis have made a difference. He has helped us all see the importance of living the gospel every day with joy, of being missionaries to the ends of the earth, advocates for the poor and marginalized and good stewards of the earth. He encourages us to use every means possible including the Internet and social media to carry out our mission.

Thank you, Pope Francis! Happy Anniversary!

Comments (1)

  • Marika Donders

    March 13, 2018 at 8:29 am

    Thank you! I was looking for a quote to wrap up a workshop on Social Media and the quote from Pope Francis in your post perfectly wraps up my theme in a nice little bow 🙂


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