Faith and Technology Safety for Children

Girl at ComputerToday’s children are growing up in an age of digital technology. Devices connecting them to the Internet and media are available everywhere and children adapt to them very quickly. Parents know that not everything available on these devices is good for their children and now they have a website to help them see “Technology Safety Through the Eyes of Faith.”

Faith and Safety is a website that has been developed collaboratively by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to provide parents with quick information and practical guidance on technology safety for their children.

It brings together various resources to assist parents including:

  • Facebook Safety Guide (in English and Spanish) published by Facebook
  • Reviews of popular game apps and websites
  • Guidelines to Promote Safety in the Home
  • Devices that can and should be secured
  • How to recognize and report cyber bullying
  • Online Privacy issues and protections
  • A Common Sense Media review of virtual worlds
  • Information about protecting children from pornography, strangers and predators

All of the content is written in clear, easy-to-read, concise language.

Bishop John C. Wester of Salt Lake City was the first “featured” blogger and I think the paragraph below summarizes the approach this site takes:

We believe the digital world offers immense opportunities for young people to grow in their faith, learn about Christ, and connect to peers around the world who share their beliefs. As with any new opportunity, there are also risks. In the digital world, the greatest risks are regarding young people’s privacy and safety, and their exposure to improper content. The challenge parents face, as they do with all new worlds that their children are eager to explore, is to help them learn to navigate it effectively.

The site is positive about the digital world, but also realistic about the possible dangers it presents for children. The purpose of Faith and Safety (also on Facebook and Twitter ) is to help parents help their children navigate the digital world safely.

If you are a parent or work with children and teens, this is a site you will want to visit and to recommend to others.

How do you help your children or students navigate the digital world safely?

Comments (2)

  • Fran Rossi Szpylczyn

    September 3, 2013 at 4:14 pm

    Fantastic and timely post – thank you so much for directing our attention this way. I am forwarding this to some Faith Formation people I know.

  • kkhuey

    June 15, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    Sent to our communication committee to share with our parents.

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