Does Your Parish Website Have a Welcome Video?

video-clipart-dcr9Ajoc9_burnedVideo is one of the most effective ways to engage visitors on your website.  A good video tells your story in attractive images and simple words. It inspires a positive response in viewers.  It is short and upbeat.  A welcome video adds a personal touch to your website and makes your welcome more compelling. A welcome video captures the spirit and unique personality of a parish.

Welcome videos can be uploaded to many other sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Vimeo. They can be embedded in emails and electronic newsletters where parishioners can share them with others.  The welcome video is an online asset every parish needs.

But what if you don’t have the resources to produce a welcome video on your own? I can help you. Watch the video below to find out how.

Special Offer to CWS Readers: Use Promotion Code PWV731 on your worksheet to receive a $35 discount if your video is scheduled for production by July 31, 2015. Production will be scheduled when the completed worksheet and photos have been submitted and payment is made.

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There is a Social Media Etiquette

June 16, 2015

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Modern Media and the Family

June 30, 2015