Do You Use Social Media Tools for Ministry? Poll and Sweepstakes

I am taking a blogging break this month, but that doesn’t mean I am not thinking about you, my readers.  Take the one question poll below for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate.  If you share a link to the poll on Twitter, you get an extra entry.  Poll closes 11:59 PM Eastern on August 29. Good luck!
[SnapApp id=1]

Comments (2)

  • Thomas Miner, President Bartleby Press

    August 9, 2013 at 10:12 am

    Just took your survey and would like to know the plug in you used to show the immediate results of the survey.

  • Sr. Susan Wolf, SND

    August 9, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Thomas, the entire survey is produced using Snapapp software. It provides an option to show results at the end. Snapapp provides a plugin for WordPress which allowed me to embed here. It also appears on my Facebook page.

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Book Review: The Social Media Gospel by Meredith Gould

July 23, 2013

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Faith and Technology Safety for Children

September 3, 2013