Do You Know that Your Facebook Apps are Posting on Your Behalf?

Facebook Apps are great! They make it convenient and easy for us to carry out various activities on Facebook. We can celebrate birthdays, send cards, enter contests, take polls, play games, login to external sites, download music, and many other things. The catch is that Facebook and the creators of these Apps want something in return–publicity. They want others on Facebook to know that their App is being used. They do give us a choice in this matter, but many people do not realize that their activities are being publicized to their friends in the sidebar ticker and even on sponsored ads ( i.e. Susan Wolf likes Klout) in the first place, and thus, do not take steps to set their options.

Every once in awhile I login to my Facebook App Settings page and discover new Apps that need my attention. I set each of my Apps so that I am the only one to see posts about my activities and I indicate in the settings of most Apps that I never want notifications from them. It just takes a few seconds, but it is important to do if you want to control what is published about your App activities on Facebook and to whom it is made known.

To review and edit your App settings. Just click on the right arrow next to Home on your Facebook Timeline, Select Account Settings and then click on Apps on the left-side menu-bar. Click on each App listed and check that the settings are what you want. Below is a video demonstration of what to do. By clicking the full screen icon in the lower right of the black menu bar–you can enlarge the picture.

If you have anything to add about monitoring Facebook Apps, please add it in the comments. Thank you very much.

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Comments (1)

  • Sr. Nancy Shively, osc

    August 7, 2012 at 9:46 am

    Love these simple tips, Susan; they are very helpful for a social media ignorameous who is learning like me!

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