Parish websites are evolving. We are re-thinking their mission. We are becoming much more attuned to our audiences and our messages. We are thinking more and more about the evangelizing potential of the parish website.
Category: website
120 Posts
Responsive Websites Are Here for a Reason
If you are not involved in website design or managing a website on a daily basis, you may not be aware of the changes taking place in website design due to the increased use of mobile devices. However, if you are thinking about creating a new ministry website or updating your current one, you may want to read the rest of this post.
An Exciting New Web-Presence for the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
In February 2013, Provincial leadership and ministry directors of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament invited me to help them update their web-presence in order to better Support their mission and ministries Promote vocations Engage current and future collaborators and supporters Advance education and Eucharistic evangelization
A Parish Attentive to Its Audiences
Often parishes limit the audiences that they address on their websites to the active members of the parish community–the insiders. They forget that visitors, new comers and inactive Catholics also visit the site and may not get any further than the home page depending on what they find. There are two questions we need to ask when we want to create or recreate some aspect of our web presence (website,…
Pastors Discuss the New Evangelization and Web Presence
Last week I had the pleasure of facilitating a focus group set up by my pastor with five other pastors from the Diocese of Cleveland. They are committed to the New Evangelization and want to see how their parish web presence can support that mission. Each of the pastors had completed a survey that I had sent ahead of time. They represented suburban parishes of 1800 to more than 3000…
Calls to Action on Ministry Websites
Quality content, needed services, and curiosity bring people to websites through search engines and recommendations of others. Why do some people who visit our sites, click away almost immediately? It could be because we do not offer the content or services they are looking for and it could be because there is nothing there to engage them after arriving on the site. Calls to action engage people.