Category: Online Presence

34 Posts

  • Thinking of You

    You may have heard the saying that there are two ways to enter a room. The first is to say, “There you are.” And the second is to say, “Here I am.” Each speaker has a different focus. The same might be said of the welcome messages on parish (and other ministry) websites. Some focus on the visitor and others focus on the parish. Both tell the visitor what to…

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  • The New Ministry Normal: Online

    Many of us find ourselves in a new ministry environment unable to attend Mass, go to meetings, engage in activities in person.  However, we have not stopped ministering.  Necessity has given many ministers who were not inclined to use technology for engagement the courage to jump in with both feet.  The creativity and effort it has taken to do that testifies to our desire to be with our people in…

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  • Effective Parish Websites Part II: Intended Audiences

    It is widely understood that a parish website is a basic utility. For most Internet users, if you do not have a website, you do not exist. This is especially true for younger generations who have grown up “googling.” And many in older generations are coming to the same conclusion. While many parishes have websites, they differ based on: Intended audiences Design choices Content and Content Management Skills and priorities…

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  • The Effective Parish Website Part 1

    Someday parish leaders will view their online parish presence as an essential professional pastoral ministry. Members and visitors already expect that. Unfortunately, they are often disappointed. The measure of the effectiveness of the parish website is a combination of quality of design, the usefulness of content, and the overall message. A professional pastoral website design invites visitors in and facilitates easy access to their interest points. This is done through:…

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  • 50 Years of Internet

    The Internet as we know it today, started out as a means for researchers to connect with data on large, powerful computers at a distance.  The first “connection” was on October 29, 1969.  The effort was funded by ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). Research computers at two then four universities were the first to be connected.  In time more computers were added and eventually the “ARPANET” paved the way for…

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