Category: Lent

6 Posts

  • Ash Wednesday Invitations

    Parishes are gearing up for Ash Wednesday and Lent 2023.  During Lent, practicing Catholics and those who have “grown up” Catholic, but discontinued regular practice, often pay more attention and are open, even if just slightly, to growing in their spiritual lives from wherever they are at this point in their lives.

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  • Ash Wednesday in 2022

    The parish community, like every other organization, has been greatly impacted by Covid-19.  Many of our parishes were not able to have public Masses for weeks in 2020 and attendance was lower than usual in 2021 as the Pandemic continued to make public gatherings dangerous for large segments of the population.  Here we are in 2022.  Public services have returned in person and continued online, but many of our “regular”…

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  • Roads and Country Lanes: Preparing Your Holy Week Posts

    Palm Sunday is this coming weekend and it is time to make sure that we have included meaningful and helpful online posts as part of our communications for all the events that will take place during Holy Week. This means preparing posts for the website and any social media sites your parish has. The first thing we have to take care of is answering the questions people have when they…

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  • Lenten Picture Quotes to Share

    Last week I shared with my readers a video for the First Sunday of Lent. I was pleased to see that a number of you shared that video on your Facebook Pages and websites. It is important that our online ministries be spiritually enriching and engaging especially during the season of Lent. It is easy to overlook the importance of providing spiritual nourishment on our various internet platforms when there…

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  • Lenten Video to Share

    Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The wonderful, liturgically rich and spirituality engaging season of Lent begins. You have been preparing for weeks and now it is here. For this week’s blog post, I have prepared a video meditation for the First Sunday of Lent which you can use later this week on your website and on social media sites if you like. Or you can just a take moment to quietly…

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  • Lent 2019 Parish Website and Social Media Preplanning Worksheet

    In four weeks, Lent 2019 begins. Lent is a special time of grace in the Church and we can support and foster our visitors in their desire to grow in holiness through inspiring and welcoming images, thoughtful reflections and links to meaningful content. It is not too late or too early to preplan your Lenten online communications. Ash Wednesday is March 6. I have created a preplanning worksheet which I…

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