Category: Facebook

72 Posts

  • Schedule Your Summer Time Facebook Page Posts in Advance

    Those who are on a school schedule or who have family members on a school schedule are in the process of “switching gears.” The school routine disappears and usually a less structured and more varied schedule begins. Hopefully, there is more time and opportunity to spend with family and friends, enjoying their company, engaging in fun activities, reading some good books and taking in the beauties of nature.

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  • Facebook Profile Videos and Cover Videos

    In recent years Facebook has been expanding its uses for video.  The last big addition was Facebook Live which as its name suggests allows Facebook users to stream live videos on its platform.  These are recorded by Facebook and the recording can remain on your Facebook Page if you wish. I wrote about this previously. Here is Part 1 of a two-part series.

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  • Must Have Ministry Photos

    One of the best things you can do for your website and social media ministry is to take and save good photos all year round. You will be amazed how many times those photos will allow you to create a great Facebook post or convey the perfect message on your website or in a video not only at the time, but at a future date. Also, you never know when…

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  • Pictures in Church

    With the invention of digital photography and the culture of social media, it seems that people are taking photos and posing for photos with greater ease today even in Church. I have become by default and now after a few years, by intention, the Facebook photographer for St. John Bosco Parish in Parma Heights  where I belong and where I manage their social media. Photo taking has become part of…

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  • Social Action on Social Media

    It is not unusual these days to find oneself with a group of friends, family members, colleagues, even casual acquaintances, when the conversation turns to hot-button or controversial topics whether they be political or religious. That’s when you know why the adage  “You should never talk about religion or politics.” came to be. It can get uncomfortable depending on the passion and tone of the speakers and whether anyone else…

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