Category: Facebook

72 Posts

  • It’s Time to Live Stream on Facebook—Facebook Live for Ministry, Part 2

    Facebook Live—the new feature on Facebook which allows users to live stream from their mobile devices (for now iOS and Android only) is part of Facebook’s effort to dominate the video market. If you are on Facebook, you may already be noticing more videos. You may never stream on Facebook Live, but it is likely that you will view a live presentation in the future.  You want to at least…

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  • Facebook Live for Ministry-Part 1

    Facebook Live is a new feature that allows users to live stream on its platform.  Have you heard about it? It was first rolled out to verified users: select brands, media outlets and celebrities in 2015. In February 2016, it became available to all U.S. users who have iOS or Android mobile devices.

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  • Have You Reacted Yet?

    Earlier this year, Facebook added 5 additional “reactions” to Like. These allow us to react to any post in a more nuanced way. Now, in addition to Liking a post by giving it the thumbs-up sign, we can show that we love it, or indicate that it “wowed us,” made us laugh, sad or angry by clicking on the appropriate reaction symbol. (If you change your mind about your reaction,…

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  • Social Media Content, Audiences and Platforms

    Often when parishes, dioceses, and ministries decide to set-up a Facebook Page or Twitter account or start a blog they give very little thought to the time and effort needed to produce quality content that their constituencies will read. The assumption is that whatever we offer will be well received and will achieve OUR communication goals. What many ministry leaders don’t think about is that followers have THEIR OWN goals…

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  • Measuring Facebook Effectiveness

    Every so often, I hear those who are trying to use Facebook for ministry lament the fact that their followers do not engage with the Facebook posts in a conversational way. They do not answer questions that are posed and rarely comment. The ministers wonder if they are wasting their time because they think that Facebook is for conversations. A Facebook Page for your parish, diocese, religious community or ministry…

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  • Facebook after Death

    If you are like me, you have some Facebook friends who have died, but their Facebook pages live on. We receive birthday notices and their profile photos show up when we visit sites that we both liked. Each time that happens, I ask myself if that is what is going to happen with my Facebook page as well when I die. I have been doing some research on this question…

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