Have you ever promoted an event every way possible including multiple pulpit, bulletin, website and social media announcements, bulk email, and posters? Perhaps you have had parishioners speak at the Masses about it and then after the event hear or read the comment: “Why didn’t I hear about this?” or “I would have come if I had known about it.”?
Category: Facebook
72 Posts
Ash Wednesday Invitations
Parishes are gearing up for Ash Wednesday and Lent 2023. During Lent, practicing Catholics and those who have “grown up” Catholic, but discontinued regular practice, often pay more attention and are open, even if just slightly, to growing in their spiritual lives from wherever they are at this point in their lives.
Think About It
Effective communications remain a challenge for most organizations including parishes. As important as it is to tell our story to our members and our visitors in ways that not only inform, but also inspire, encourage and engage them in our mission, we do not recognize the time and resources necessary to make that happen.
The Apostolic Life of Grandparents and the Elderly
Sunday, July 25, 2021, is the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Pope Francis established this day on January 31, 2021. The theme for this year is “I Am with You Always.” (Matthew 28:20)
Instagram Revisited
If you are a longtime reader of my blog, you may remember that I have been reluctant to use Instagram for ministry, both for my own and for my ministry clients. Instagram features what the name implies instant images/photos or videos that share a message. It is a mobile platform requiring use of a mobile device. Usually the user takes a photo or video on the device and then shares…
Live-Streaming Parish Ministry
Many of us are more than a month into our stay-at-home, public-Masses-cancelled, way of life. We’re learning to adjust. One way is taking ministry online. Some parishes are live-streaming or posting recordings of their daily and Sunday liturgies, other devotions and ministries. Holy Week was very busy online for these parishes. We do not know how long the need for these services will continue, but it is worthwhile to take…