Bishop Robert Barron on Social Media

A recent Word on Fire broadcast, “A Bishop’s Guide to Social Media” caught my attention and after viewing it, I want to share it with all of you.  In this video, Brandon Vogt from Word on Fire interviews Bishop Robert Barron of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles whom the Wall Street Journal called the Bishop of Catholic Social Media.

They first discuss the Bishop’s approach to engaging with thought leaders who are not Catholic and why he thinks this is important. Then they discuss a broad range of issues related to social media. 

The Bishop offers his perspectives based on his own personal experiences over many years of using social media. For him (and I hope for all of us), the social media space is a missionary field where we belong.  The Bishop explains why he does not disable comments and the pitfall of social media addiction and a number of other practical social media concerns often brought up by Catholics.

Take 30 minutes to view this video and share your comments with us.

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